
Showing posts from March, 2017


Assignment # 2 File is Here Assignment Part 2 Solution For Assigment Assignment Solution

Introduction To Statistical Theory Part 1 Solution

Introduction To Statistical Theory Part 1 By: Prof. Sher Muhammad Chaudary        Prof. Dr. Shaid Kamal  If you are studing this and are Facing Difficulty in solve the Question. So, Dont Worry  I Have solution For It. click the link below This Image For Downloading Solution File Is Here-Click Here Downloading This File Is Free. To Open The File Click Below: Password Password 2

English-The Research Proposal

What is Research? Purpose Of Research Element For Research Proposal Abstract Introduction: Background Of The Study Statement of Problem Research Hypothesis Research Question Signifance Of Study Limitation And Delimitation: Methodolgy Legal Consideration Briefly Explained In Pdf File. Research Prposal Pdf-Download Link

Lecture 7 Integration Or Derivative Computing Tool for mathematics

Cick  the  link  for  downloading  lec 7 in PPT and PDF Lecture 7 Download from here

Lecture 06 Polynomial Handling -Computing Tools For Mathematics(COMP1118)

Computing Tools For Mathematics(COMP1118) Instructor : Engineer Imran Ahmad University Of Okara (Renala Campus) Lecture 06 Polynomial Handling Polynomial  MATLAB inputs a polynomial of one variable x, as a row vector having as elements.  The coefficients of the polynomial, real or complex arranged in descending power of x, placed in brackets.  For example  〖         𝑦(𝑥)=3𝑥〗^4+〖2𝑥〗^3+𝑥^2−𝑥+5;  Then the Y, MATLAB vector that represents the polynomial y(x) is given by:   ≫𝑌=[3 2 1 −1 5]; Polynomial REPRESENTATION IN matlab  In general, if y(𝑥)=𝑎_𝑛 𝑥^𝑛+"an−" 1"x n−1"+…+𝑎_1 𝑥+𝑎_0 Then the polynomial expressed as a MATLAB vector Y is given by 𝑌=[𝑎_𝑛   "an−" 1〖…..   𝑎〗_1 〖   𝑎〗_0]  When some coefficients of a polynomial are not present, then the missing coefficients are entered as zeros. For example:  〖𝑦(𝑥)=8𝑥〗^7+〖6𝑥〗^6+〖3𝑥〗^4+𝑥^2  Y is given by: 𝑌=[8 6 0 3 0 1 0 0 ] Polynomial: roots   Let p(x) be a polynomial of a single variable (x)

Solution For Linear Algebra 3 Edition

Solutions For Linear Algebra is Here. Linear Algebra Solution Free Download Link 2 For File For Getting Password   Password is here Password For File

Linear Algebra Schamun outline

Solution of  linear algebra schamun outline 3 edition Plz click  the  image /link  to  download  Complete Solution  Link To Download File

Solutions Manual to Differential Equations

Solutions Manual to Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems  10th Edition - Dennis G Zill                                        Uploaded By Sami Ullah Click Below For Downloading Download Solution By Sami Prince

Data and File Management

Data and File Management Data import and export, file operations and locations File operations functions let you read data from different types of files, execute the files, and write data obtained in a MuPAD notebook to an external file. The  import  library provides functions for importing external data, such as text and bitmap images, into MuPAD. Data Import and Export Import text and bitmap data, export data in STL format File Operations Interact with system files and folders, set paths Operating System Commands Interact with operating system from MuPAD Data Import and Export Import text and bitmap data, export data in STL format MuPAD Functions export::stl Export STL data import::csv Read CSV data from an ASCII file import::readbitmap Read bitmap data import::readdata Read data from an ASCII file import::readlisp Parse Lisp-formatted string File Operations Interact with system files and folders, set paths MuPAD Environment Variables FILEPATH Pathname of a file that is currently loa

Language Fundamentals Of MATLAB

Language Fundamentals Syntax, operators, data types, array indexing and manipulation MATLAB  is an abbreviation for "matrix laboratory." While other programming languages usually work with numbers one at a time, MATLAB ®  operates on whole matrices and arrays. Language fundamentals include basic operations, such as creating variables, array indexing, arithmetic, and data types. Entering Commands Build and run MATLAB statements Matrices and Arrays Array creation, combining, reshaping, rearranging, and indexing Operators and Elementary Operations Arithmetic, relational, and logical operators, special characters, rounding, set functions Data Types Numeric arrays, character arrays, tables, structures, and cell arrays; data type conversion Entering Commands Build and run MATLAB ®  statements Functions ans Most recent answer clc Clear Command Window diary Save Command Window text to file format Set Command Window output display format home Send cursor home iskeyword Determine wheth