Data and File Management

Data and File Management

Data import and export, file operations and locations
File operations functions let you read data from different types of files, execute the files, and write data obtained in a MuPAD notebook to an external file. The import library provides functions for importing external data, such as text and bitmap images, into MuPAD.
  • Data Import and Export
    Import text and bitmap data, export data in STL format
  • File Operations
    Interact with system files and folders, set paths
  • Operating System Commands
    Interact with operating system from MuPAD

Data Import and Export

Import text and bitmap data, export data in STL format

MuPAD Functions

export::stlExport STL data
import::csvRead CSV data from an ASCII file
import::readbitmapRead bitmap data
import::readdataRead data from an ASCII file
import::readlispParse Lisp-formatted string

File Operations

Interact with system files and folders, set paths

MuPAD Environment Variables

FILEPATHPathname of a file that is currently loaded
NOTEBOOKFILENotebook file name
WRITEPATHSearch path for the command ‘ Write ' et al.
READPATHSearch path for the command ‘ Read '

MuPAD Functions

fcloseClose a file
finputRead objects from file
fnameGet a file's name
fopenOpen file
fprintWrite data to file
freadRead and execute file
ftextinputRead text file
pathnameCreate a platform dependent path name
protocolCreate a protocol of a session
readSearch, read, and execute file
readbytesRead binary data from a file
writebytesWrite binary data to a file
writeWrite values of variables into file
Pref::verboseReadShows reading of files

Operating System Commands


MuPAD Axioms

getpidProcess ID of the running kernel
sysnameName of the operating system
systemExecute a command of the operating system


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