Language Fundamentals Of MATLAB

Language Fundamentals

Syntax, operators, data types, array indexing and manipulation
MATLAB is an abbreviation for "matrix laboratory." While other programming languages usually work with numbers one at a time, MATLAB® operates on whole matrices and arrays. Language fundamentals include basic operations, such as creating variables, array indexing, arithmetic, and data types.

Entering Commands

Build and run MATLAB® statements


ansMost recent answer
clcClear Command Window
diarySave Command Window text to file
formatSet Command Window output display format
homeSend cursor home
iskeywordDetermine whether input is MATLAB keyword
moreControl paged output for Command Window

Examples and How To

Enter individual statements in the Command Window while working in MATLAB.
MATLAB displays output in both the Command Window and the Live Editor. You can format the output display using several provided options.
These examples show the syntax to call a MATLAB function.
Extend long program lines using ellipses (...).
A MATLAB shortcut is an easy way to run a group of MATLAB language statements that you use regularly.
Stop the execution of a MATLAB command.
Find the name and description of a MathWorks® function from the Command Window or Editor using the Function browser.
Search text currently in the Command Window or Command History Window.
Some entries appear in different colors in the Command Window and the Editor to help you identify MATLAB elements. This is known as syntax highlighting.
To keep an activity log of your MATLAB session, use the diary function.


Create valid variable names and avoid potential naming conflicts.
MATLAB code is sensitive to casing, and insensitive to blank spaces except when defining arrays.
If you do not require any outputs from a function, and all of the inputs are character vectors, you can use command syntax. With command syntax, you omit parentheses in the function call and separate the inputs with spaces.
The Command History window displays a log of statements that you ran in the current and previous MATLAB sessions.
Specify appearance of Command Window and its output.
Settings for Tab completion, function hints, and delimiter matching.


Troubleshoot error message related to calling functions.


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