Computer Term
Computer Ful Abbrevation ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (form of DSL) AFAIK (as far as I know; email) AGP Advanced Graphics Port AIM AOL Instant Messenger ALT. ALTernate lifestyle (USENET newsgroup category) ANSI American National Standards Institute AOL America Online ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASP Association of Shareware Professionals ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface [Adaptec] ATA Advanced Technology Attachment (original hard drive interface) ATDT Attention Dial Tone (modem command) ATM Adobe Typeface Manager + Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATZ Attention Restore configuration profile from nonvolatile RAM (modem command) Autoexec Automatic Execution file (AUTOEXEC.BAT automatically executed on startup of DOS systems) AWK (Unix language named after its authors... Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan) B2B Business to Business BDSL Broadband DSL BEDO Burst Extended Data Out (RAM) BIOS Basic Input/Output Sys...