
Showing posts from May, 2018


Important Notice:  The Number Theory section is one of the first sections ever to be developed on Math Online and unfortunately is not up to par with the quality that the rest of the site provides. Regardless, most of the material posted is still readable but be on the look out for many mistakes. The pages in this hub will slowly be reviewed and edited for quality. 1. The Integers, Integer Division, Primes and Composites, and Linear Diophantine Equations 1.1. Integer Division Integer Division Greatest Common Divisor The Division Algorithm for Positive Integers The Euclidean Algorithm Linear Diophantine Equations Solutions to Linear Diophantine Equations 1.2. Prime Numbers, Composite Numbers, and Unique Factorization Primes Numbers Composite Numbers Unique Factorization Prime Power Decomposition Example Questions Regarding Primes and Composites 2. Modular Arithmetic, Congruences, Linear Congruences, Fermat's and Wilson's Theorem 2.1. Congruent Integers Modulo m Congruences Modul